Your giving enables tomorrow’s mission to become today’s reality.
When you give you’re partnering with us to baptize people, spread the message of Jesus, reach people not yet in the church, disciple people, see people receive emotional healing, raise a generation of young people whose heart is set on Jesus, and so much more.
When you give you’re not just giving to an offering, you’re partnering with a mission.
There are multiple ways you can partner with us, choose the one that best suits you.
Direct Deposit
Simply jump on you’re Online Bank and set up a direct deposit. You can make it once off, or on-going.
Epicentre Church Acc
BSB: 063-511
Account: 10325679
Tithe.ly App
Tithe.ly is an online giving tool that makes partnering with us simple. Give securely from any where at any time.
Click on the button below to give now, or simply download the app from your app store and follow the instructions to give.
Yep the folding stuff still exists, and if you’d prefer you can still partner with us using cash.